Search Results - Virtual Assistant Bixby Is Finally Coming To Your Samsung Smartphone!Samsung promised to give you Bixby, which is... Assistant Samsung's 'SAM' Virtual Assistant Avatar Goes Viral For The Wrong ReasonsA digital animation company by the name of L... Avatar Video: Amazon's Alexa Talks Out Of A Skull And It Is Kind Of ScaryA while back, some genius hacked Amazons Ale... Alexa This Virtual Reality Glove Makes VR Feel More RealVirtual Reality (VR) can be a truly breathta... Virtual Ok! Google Or Hey! Siri. Google Assistant Comes To IphoneWith Virtual Assistants just making lif... Google How To Create Virtual Copies In Lightroom Classic CCAdobe Lightroom was first introduced way bac... Classic NVIDIA's AI Tool Can Turn The Real World Into Virtual RealityEver wondered while playing games or experie... Virtual Digital Assistants Will Communicate Like People DoTalking to your digital assistant is often a... Digital Video: 'the Matrix' May Be Just Around The Corner...Brainwaves, Virtual Reality, Giant hamster w... Brain Video: A User Has An In-game Seizure, While Other Users Cannot Do Anything!There was literally nothing the other users ... Users Video: Oculus Announces A New Vr Headset, Oculus Go!Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced at th... Oculus Google's Latest Duplex Shows A Future We Will Love Or HateIf you have not seen or heard of the jaw-dro... Duplex Video: Logitech Want To Bridge The Gap Between Virtual And Real-world TypingIn general, a virtual reality world is a goo... Keyboard The Most Advanced Virtual Laser Keyboard You Will Ever SeeSerafim Keybo is the worlds most advanced vi... Keyboard Real Reason Why Voice Assistants Are Female And Why It MattersAsk your phone, or computer something, or ca... Alexa Introducing Your Very Own Transforming Robot AssistantThis transforming robot, known as CanguRo, i... Robot The New Ai Chief At Apple Might Actually Save SiriIt is about time Alexa and Google Assistant ... Apple Video: Take A Virtual Journey Through Life With Your FriendsLive through the history of evolution in Vir... Through Best Smart Makeup Assistant For Your NarcissismIntroducing MORROR, a smart mirror that func... Mirror Ireland's Award Winning Smart Glove Heads To Ces 2018The Ireland team behind the smart glove &nda... Glove Amazon's Voice Assistant Alexa Gets Fooled By A Pet Parrot!Amazons smart voice assistant Alexa can be s... Alexa Video: Is It Possible To Fall In Love In Virtual Reality?Rewind to 2013 where the movie Her, written ... Questions Google's New Messaging App Can Tell What You're Texting AboutGoogle has recently announced that a new Goo... Messages Video: Multiplayer Virtual Reality Is Going More Realistic!OptiTrack has a new sensor that promises nat... Multiplayer 123 >